Celebrating Students & Horses ~ Barb & Socks.

 As a coach and mentor, I enjoy seeing and celebrating the success of students and their horses. It is powerful to see connection and harmony between horse and rider, a life’s work for me!

 Here’s a nice moment with our friend, Barb and her gelding, Socks. He’s a...

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Transitions - Raise Your Baseline Expectation.

I think about the baseline of skills and abilities as a starting point or minimum I need with each horse I ride. I do this so I know what to improve to increase the baseline and my future expectations of the horse. This type of forward thinking promotes growth and development and diminishes...

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The Gift of Gratitude from Crystal & Wizard.

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. —GK Chesterton

I love hearing student success stories and I’m sharing a special one here. Crystal Kroetch is a dear friend, a prominent horsewoman with a decorated...

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Be Present or Be Frustrated. You Choose.


I’m reflecting on a 3 day clinic I taught a few weeks ago and thinking of one of the participants and how hard she was on herself. She wanted to be better for her horse and had high goals. I related to her as I have also felt similarly when I wanted to do well and wanted to get...

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Celebrating Students & Horses ~Tabitha and Zeus.

Sharing the success of Tabitha and her Andalusian gelding, Zeus. 

As a coach and mentor, there is satisfaction and pride when you see students enjoying success with their horses through connection, feel and horsemanship skills. It's such a great feeling, celebrating the hard work and...

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How to Move Your Horse, Freely AND Forward.

I share this story to make an important point about the benefit of training that promotes what the horse is naturally good at, moving with freedom, relaxation and energy.

Many horses move with tension and are just waiting until they can stand still to relax. This is not good for them and can be...

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3 Tips for Safe Saddling. Use Every Time!

Be safe and sensible when saddling by sticking to a practical routine.

When saddling, the horse must be "with us" and in a sweet spot, so that we can put the saddle on, mount up, and move off safely. They are connected to us, regardless of the environment or what we are asking of them. 


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Bucking & The Flank Rope. Old Technique ~ New Way.

Ok I’m going to vent here! And propose a solution. Let's do it. 

You know what really bothers me? When good ideas are delivered badly and it affects horses' well being. I see this more nowadays in young horse training as online videos spread the ineffective use of this technique. It is...

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Jonathan Field Horsemanship
Listen to this Podcast Tribute to Jack Brainard by Jonathan Field & Hugh McLennan
Listen to this Podcast Tribute to Jack Brainard by Jonathan Field & Hugh McLennan


A tribute to Jack Brainard.

Enjoy this podcast of Jonathan giving tribute to an inspirational horseman, Jack Brainard, who passed away in November, 2021. Jonathan's admiration and respect for Jack is the basis for this dedication and Jonathan recalls many of Jack's accomplishments...

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Two States of Mind: Meld & Mold / Solve the Puzzle.

I love the thinking part of the horse's brain! We can..and must…engage that curious and confident part of a horse. 

I’ve narrowed things down to two connected mental states a horse can be in when they are with us. On a regular day I want to engage both because each has a...

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Jonathan's Reflections on Soft Versus Light.

“Softness has relaxation and respect in it.” 

Ask yourself; Is my horse Soft? Is my horse Light? What's the difference between the two?

A soft, willing and respectful horse looks and feels different than a light horse. They have a different feeling inside. In soft horses, there's...

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Tame Is Not Always Safe. But why?

Tame is not always safe. Tame without leadership can be an unexpected bomb!


If a horse is accustomed to taking a feel off their own mind or feeling off of their own world they can react in a way that they instinctively believe keeps them safe in a world constantly changing around them. They...

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