Ribbon Riding Your Horse with the Surfer's Mindset.

When training horses, one of the most pivotal principles is establishing a connection early on in each training session. It's similar to surfing in more ways than you might think. Just as a surfer must be in tune with the waves and the ocean's rhythm, so must a rider be attuned to their horse's...

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11 Equitation Tips ~ 9 Things to Avoid

Let's talk about equitation tips! Proper equitation is simply our good posture on the back of a  horse. The fundamental elements of this body position is to mirror a horse, stay out of the way, in balance as each stride changes. Easy right?. . .

Baseline Equitation on the FLAT - A rider...

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How Do We Build Connection With Horses?

Building connection with horses is a work in progress!

As riders, we seek softness from our horses at all times. Softness is defined here as when our horse is tuned in to us in the same way they are tuned into each other, like in a herd.  They are in a state of awareness (without fear), of...

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