Me, Myself and I - Tips for Improvement Through the Video Lens

Developing yourself as a rider takes self discipline and a genuine interest in examining yourself with the same intensity that we study our horses. 

As part of your self improvement plan, a great way to develop yourself as a rider, awkward as it can be sometimes, is to video yourself. Get a...

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Why Do Liberty Training with Horses?

If there was one thing I could do all day, it would be to play with a horse at Liberty. When all the ropes and all the tack is gone I feel I am getting to the purest form of communication. 

When some of my old, very job driven, cowboy friends hear the word Liberty, their first response is...

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Reflections from Jonathan & 1883, Elsa Dutton, Quote

Jonathan's Reflections

We sat down the other night enjoying the Paramount Series, 1883. The story and cast are amazing and I had to pause it when the character, Elsa Dutton, said this;

"Freedom is accepting consequences, embracing them...wrapping them around you like a blanket" 
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Rider Weight in Lateral Movement ~ Inside or Outside?

Student Question: 

I was reading Alois Podhajsky (former Director of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna) and am wondering; where does the rider’s weight go on lateral moves? This question has historically been answered differently in English vs. Western disciplines.  


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